Month: September 2020

Le Sentier Eucher

La Baie Saguenay et le sentier Eucher

Le Sentier Eucher One of the most rewarding hikes we’ve completed is Le Sentier Eucher in ‘La Baie, Saguenay’. By Serge Larose & Elisandra Buges Intro Le sentier Eucher is a must see when visiting the Saguenay region ! A few years ago, we planned to discover the Saguenay / Lac St-Jean area. We started pinning places that we thought could interest us yet never got around to travelling there. Fast forward a few years and the travel restrictions from the Covid-19 pandemic forcefully funnelled our choice to Ontario and Quebec destinations. Which is why our 2020 summer vacation comprised of Quebec destinations.  Our biggest challenge this year was to prioritize our selected discoveries with our allocated time. Our ambitious demeanour

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Val Jalbert historical village

A day at the Val Jalbert historical village

The Val Jalbert historical village Spend the day at the Val Jalbert historical village, it’s also possible to spend the night as a guest or at the campground. By Serge Larose & Elisandra Buges Intro In Discovering Destinations mode, we like to dive into the local culture and food. The Val Jalbert historical village was on a radar for a few years now. We wanted to get to know how people lives in the 1920’s in this part of the world.  “Val Jalbert became a park in 1960. With over 70 original abandoned buildings, Val-Jalbert has been described as the best-preserved ghost town in Canada. “ Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links, meaning We receive a commission if you decide to

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